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Quest Plan Timeline
<<Turn 7
>>Turn 9

2112 - Turn 8








  • Unison Fitting
    • Although still in the prototyping phase, Vega has spoken with considerable passion about how useful her Unison platform has been to her. She’s currently knee-deep in the process of working with Mary and Lina to complete the system and work out a way to train Potentials in their use. Work she says could be a lot easier if she had another Potential she knew to work with. The benefits of a platform are not inconsiderable, either.
  • Inheritor: Although others may access it, the master control for the Elder’s Vault remains with you. This may make you far better suited to finding what you need in there, as any limits that remain should be far less restrictive to yourself than any other. It will take time, however. [Write-in a selected Elder’s Vault action to boost.] (See Learning)
    • Pushing the Boundaries