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The Unisonbound are the product of an experimental project to mix intelligence with a tool that was designed to allow Potentials to access the deeper reaches of their power and extend it outwards from themselves more effectively. This process was made more complex by the need for the Unison Platform at the core of the system to connect with their user's Practice as part of the setup, for all intents and purposes connecting to their soul. In the end it required a Practice Trance from Minister Vega Cant and a full Miracle by her and President Hawk to realise the idea, but due to the nature of a Miracle, it skipped several generations of human knowledge. A short primer of Unisonbound abilities follows:

  • They share a basic set of abilities, most iconic of which is their Aegis.
  • A Unisonbound is capable of acting outside of their Focus somewhat, although it can leave them blind to potential problems with what they're trying to do.
  • The more skilled ones, like Amanda and Kalilah, have shown some ability to directly access the energy that passes through their Focus to them. Kalilah uses it to power her energy weapon, Amanda can be much more subtle. Sort of like the difference between a Warlock and a Cleric (pulling from D&D here)
  • Vega is even more skilled with this than Amanda or Kalilah.
  • For all that Amanda's and Vega's Foci are not generally applicable to combat, the energy is still at the end of the day energy. This is why a synchronisation block in the Unison process is dangerous regardless of one's Focus. Some are worse than others, but all are still a danger.
  • All Unisonbound have been taught to fight in close quarters, and to bring their Focus to bear on that in some manner.

The Unisonbound of today have been formed into an organisation known as the Two Twenty Three, so named for the number of functional Unison Platforms available to humanity after the Miracle that created them. At present, it is entirely beyond humanity's ability to replicate these devices, and it is unknown what exactly will occur if or when one of the Two Twenty Three dies. Given their capabilities, it is highly likely that the answer to that question will be discovered soon, as the abilities of the Unisonbound are priceless tactical advantages.

Pages in category "Unisonbound"

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