Species | Human |
[hide]Physical Description
Martial: | 11+1 = 12 |
Mandatory self-defence training and constant practice as part of being a Minister after Kingslayer has given her competence, but she’s no soldier. | |
Diplomacy: | 17+2+4 = 23 |
She always had the sparks of charisma, and time made them stronger. Your taking a hand in things has fanned them into a steady flame, that handily won a systemwide election. | |
Stewardship: | 17+3+2+2+2+4 = 30 |
Although her greatest passion remains design and creation, Adriana’s skills as an administrator have grown by leaps in the years since she took the position of leading the Home Office. A true mistress of the art. | |
Intrigue: | 11+2 = 13 |
Shading the truth has never been easy for Adriana, a product of a generation of children that had never known the pain of the Sorrows. | |
Learning: | 16+3+2 = 21 |
Similar in some ways to Phoebe, Adriana’s knowledge base is deeply focused around her passions. Always smart, new technology has given her entirely new ways to use her mind. |
Traits and Titles
Prologue: A complex set of nano-based enhancements and other upgrades, the standard nanite set grants a wide array of benefits, and once that was enough on its own. With the discovery of the Sixth Secret, however, things have changed. +1 Martial
- Ministerial Enhancement Package: Another part of the modular Sixth Secret systems that have become so much a part of life with the continuing Third Revolution, the Ministerial systems extend multi-tasking again, and are the baseline for the prototype network interface system pioneered during the arrival of the Contact Fleet. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue
- Prototype Neural Network Link: A very recent development, the neural interface created by this system is still in its testing phases. Enough has been done for it to be safely installed for Ministers, however, and so Lina has gained the ability to access the world around her in a very new and different way. +3 Learning, +2 Stewardship
Natural Architect: Gifted at birth with an intuitive gift for how pieces could come together to form a much larger whole, much of Adri’s initial rise to prominence was the result of effective use of what this made her capable of. +3 Stewardship
- The Diligent Student: Talent will take you to good. Practice will take you to master. Words to live by, even if some of the meaning has changed since the first Potentials woke to their Foci. Adri didn’t rely on the natural brilliance of her mind, she worked hard to improve it. +2 Stewardship, +2 Learning
Worldbuilder: {{{description}}} +4 Stewardship, significant bonus to construction projects
Future’s Promise: Some critics would say that you gave Adri many of the tools that she used to become President, connections and words in the right ears. Some critics are incapable of giving Adriana the credit she deserves. You might have served to connect her to the Circles, but it was her heart that won them. +4 Diplomacy, significant bonus to Third Revolution actions
Virtual Assistant: VI technology wasn’t new when Adriana became interested in it, but what she went on to do with it would herald the coming of a new world. She catalysed a quantum leap in virtual intelligence systems, that with the Sixth Secret, have opened the door to the final revolution of humanity’s existence. +2 Stewardship