The Dauntless class is the first Practice hybrid warship ever constructed, a marvel of Practiced components and human genius fused into a single whole by an incorporated group of Potentials. Running to seven hundred meters long, they were designed as purely offensive platforms that incorporated numerous Practiced components. Without Potentials aboard, they were limited to standard missile and beam arrays; little more than a larger auxiliary with several offline systems taking up space.
But with the incorporated Potential group aboard, they became much deadlier. The Practiced components in their secondary armament provide a significant boost to standard firepower, but the main weapon of the class was the battery of grav shear weaponry built into her prow. These came very close to matching observed Tribute Fleet weapon strength.
However, focus on firepower and offensive capability left the class painfully short on defensive systems. Their beam arrays could be reconfigured for point defence, but their screens were much weaker then was preferred. This was a necessary gamble given the limits of human shipbuilding capabilities during the buildup for the Second Battle of Sol. With the lessons of the SBoS and a vastly expanding production capacity, this gamble can be discarded. There are several new designs are being discussed by the War Office to replace the class, but the first of humanity’s swords will always be remembered.
Class slated for replacement following the Second Battle of Sol.