Gender | Female |
Status | Alive |
Species | Human |
Lina earned her title in the hardest school of all, combat against the Shiplord Tribute Fleets. Tens of thousands she sacrificed on the altar of survival, and she emerged from that action greatly changed, but no less committed to the course ahead. Under her direction, the FSN has been forged into a sword and shield in one, that will stand between humanity and the coming darkness in the war to come.
[hide]Physical Description
Petite, and almost elfin in the delicacy of her features, with steely blue eyes. She wears her pale-blonde hair short, easier to control, so she says. Rarely out of uniform, on those uncommon occasions where it is unsuitable, she chooses clothing of a military cut or the colours of the Fleet.
Martial: | 19+1+4+2+4 = 30 |
A consummate strategist and tactician, Lina has proven herself against Shiplords and grown all the greater for it. The first human to defeat a Shiplord fleet in battle, she’s dedicated herself to preparing for the next one. And the one after that. | |
Diplomacy: | 12+2+3 = 17 |
Leading a soon to be interstellar navy isn’t just about knowing when to call which orders. Lina’s nurtured the spark of defiant charisma that she was born with into something that can make men and women hold their posts against even the worst horrors. | |
Stewardship: | 15+2+2 = 19 |
A leader needs presence and personality, but an understanding of logistics is just as important for the campaigns Lina and her staff can see in humanity’s future. She might not be a wizard in the field, but she’s learning. And quickly. | |
Intrigue: | 17+2+2 = 21 |
The Second Battle of Sol relied entirely on a vast trap for the Tribute Fleet, and knowing how to set those is more than just a matter of tactics. Lina was always an unconventional strategist, and her ability to inject complex deception into her plans is perhaps the best example of that talent. | |
Learning: | 15+3 = 18 |
Lina’s knowledge base is of a very focused sort, and was never a true speciality. She understands how the technology of her warships functions, how it can be leveraged, but doesn’t need a great deal more than that to do her job. |
Traits and Titles
Child of the Second Secret: Born before the Week of Sorrows, Lina benefitted from the same basic bioengineering package as you. +2 Martial
Prologue: A complex set of nano-based enhancements and other upgrades, the standard nanite set grants a wide array of benefits, and once that was enough on its own. With the discovery of the Sixth Secret, however, things have changed. +1 Martial
- Military Enhancement Package: Similar in many ways to Nilean Sanctity modules, the direct enhancement package applied to every member of humanity’s military is extremely potent. Perceptual dilation, enhanced multitasking capabilities, and far more, the MEP was a key part of Lina’s success in defeating the Shiplords at the Second Battle of Sol. +4 Martial, +2 Intrigue
- Ministerial Enhancement Package: Another part of the modular Sixth Secret systems that have become so much a part of life with the continuing Third Revolution, the Ministerial systems extend multi-tasking again, and are the baseline for the prototype network interface system pioneered during the arrival of the Contact Fleet. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue
- Prototype Neural Network Link: A very recent development, the neural interface created by this system is still in its testing phases. Enough has been done for it to be safely installed for Ministers, however, and so Lina has gained the ability to access the world around her in a very new and different way. +3 Learning, +2 Stewardship
Void Mistress: Winning the Second Battle of Sol required more than martial skill, it required the ability to sacrifice, and deceive, and to do so in a format that humanity had never learned to fight in. Lina didn’t just succeed in this task, she excelled, and in her example is seen hope that humanity may one day take back the stars from Shiplord tyranny. +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue, significant bonus to space combat rolls
Master and Commander: In the years following the Second Battle of Sol, Lina dedicated herself to the task of forging the sword she’d wielded against the Shiplords anew. Six years later, she’s succeeded. The process taught her a great deal, about the Secrets, how they could be used in war, and how to bring military might together with words against a terrifying enemy. That skill she credits, in at least some small part, to you. +4 Martial, +3 Diplomacy