- Humanity unlocks its first secret, gaining access to faster than light travel
- Amanda Hawk is born
- Humanity has sent out its first FTL ships to colonize
- The Second Secret is unlocked opening the ability for genetic modification
- At some time after this Humanity creates the Dragon race with the Second Secret to serve as protectors
- Humanity discovers the existence of the Shiplords.
- The Shiplords wipe out all human presence beyond Earth, including Mars and the Orbitals
- The Shiplords defeat the Dragons and Humanity and demand 7 billion adults (of a population of 12 billion people total) be sacrificed to allow humanity to continue to exist.
- This event becomes known as the Week of Sorrows
- The Shiplords hand down the Directives to Humanity
6 to 12 months after the Week of Sorrows
- the first potentials awaken over the course of a 6 month period
- Amanda Hawk begins trying to create the first circle
- as referenced in Teaching and Choices
- Amanda Hawk awakens as a potential
- Amanda Hawk receives - and turns down - an offer to study with the Elder First
- as referenced in Teaching and Choices
- The Pattern is discovered showing that the shiplords will return to exact a price from Humanity again
- The story that is The Practice War begins
- Amanda Hawk is elected President of EarthGov (EGOV)
- The Miracle of Skylark occurs restoring a livable atmosphere to a portion of Mars and reviving the Infrastructure of the City of Skylark
- Kingslayer Shiplord Platform is accidentally triggered
- Kingslayer protocol attempts to Assassinate Amanda Hawk
- Amanda is wounded and uses much of her ability to save her own life
- First evidence of Speaking in text
- Stairway to Heaven
- Home Office connects ground and orbital stations of the Space Elevator in another Practiced Miracle
No interludes
- Process of Failure
- Indications that shiplords have additional platforms monitoring activity in Sol
- The Walls of Sol
- Practice Trance/Miracle? Reinforcing the Orbital Stations to protect the residences while still allowing them to be homes and research stations
- Unknown Potential
- Project Insight discovers the different tiers of Shiplord Fleet and that a “Tribute Fleet” is what is coming.
- Project Insight determines that Shiplords are not the only aliens out in the universe
- Shadows of Sorrow
- Ministry of Security finds shiplord platform left behind and determines there are others
- A team takes on the mission to gather data from and shut down the main shiplord network data hub and the subnet that is observing and interfering with humanity
- The first Unison Platform synchronisation occurs. Kagiso is born.
- Orbital defences fully repaired
- Tombstone platform(s) discovered
- Elder’s Vault unlocked, but is found damaged
- HighTower
- Siddhartha is born
- Nightfalls - Project Insight goes offline after an attack on the thoughtcast
- Tribute fleet data recovered
- Amanda opens the first Reliquary in the Elder’s Vault awakening the AI Vision
- Kalilah (destruction focus) has a near miss with disaster before synchronizing with her unison platform with Amanda’s help
- Asi Is Born
- Determinations for Asset Deployment in Second Sol are made
- Second Battle of Sol