The Ulfberht class are the embodiment of the Swords that the Dauntless class were designed to be. Measuring almost a kilometre in length, they are the most powerful warships humanity has ever built, and seem poised to remain so for a long time to come.
The armament of these ships is much the same as her sister-class, but considerably more powerful, rating slightly higher than Tribute Fleet designs. All aspects of their secondary armaments have been improved, and their gravitational disruptors are capable of producing a far higher shear at significantly greater ranges. Advanced fire control and targeting systems allow them to utilise every inch of this increased range, and an Ulfberht's upgraded drives mean that they can hold the range against Shiplord opponents.
The changes don't stop there, however, and the greatest different between the Ulfberht and Dauntless classes is their durability. The Dauntless class was never designed to be able to win a stand-up fight against Collector class vessels; the mass and power needs of their main armament were too severe. Ulfberhts, on the other hand, are capable of absorbing vast amounts of punishment. Not as much as a Tower class, but more than enough for a squadron of the experimental craft to be capable of defeating a Collector without support.
The final difference to the design is its extended lower prow, that solidifies the sword-like imagery of the class. This is lined with an array of drive nodes that allow the ship to focus its drive field into a spur which can puncture the drive field of an enemy vessel. This drive ‘lance’ can cause significant damage to any ship in its path, and also allows for physical ramming past the limits of gravitic drive field technology.
One squadron (9 vessels) in active service. Reverse engineering of design still in progress, planned to replace Dauntless class.