Awakening | Third |
Focus | Harmony |
Age | 49 |
Apparent Age | 21 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Alive |
Species | Human |
First Appearance | Capital and Cabinet |
Vega is often said to be a study in contradictions, and so it’s been ever since childhood.
[hide]Physical Description
Vega has a soft face with warm, hazel eyes shot thought by tiny sparks of bright power. Her dark hair falls freely to below the shoulder, and yet the curls have never been once been awry in all the time you’ve known her. She dresses simply, but there is an elegance to her movements all at odds with how she often seems less than focused on the reality around her.
As a child, Vega was deeply moulded by the effects of the Circles on humanity, and like many of her generation was almost more raised by the wider family of the Circles than by her parents alone. Deeply compassionate and aware of those around her on a level that is literally inhuman as a result of her Focus, the wisdom gained by that unconscious knowledge often belies her years. In many ways taking her cues from the founder of the Circles, she speaks carefully in public, but always with passion.
Born to those who were only children when the Shiplords came, Vega knows of the Week of Sorrows only through historical records and the still present, though veiled, sorrow of her family for those they lost.
Martial: | 12+2+4 = 18 |
From simple beginnings, Vega has learnt the lessons of battle in ways that none were quite sure she could, and without weakness or failure. | |
Diplomacy: | 20+2 = 22 |
A product of the Golden Generation, and a Harmonial too, gifted with words was an apt description. The only problem was her lack of confidence in using them. | |
Stewardship: | 17 |
Effective, and highly so, but less than a master of the art. She did run a Ministry for over a decade, though, and handily by all accounts. | |
Intrigue: | 16+2 = 18 |
Slippery with the truth, perhaps. But Vega’s true gift was in reading those around her. There’s a reason that Vega’s often acted as a stopgap against your own stupidity. | |
Learning: | 21 |
Well educated, as befitted one of her generation, but as with most Harmonials her knowledge is less applicable than some might believe. There’s no doubting her intelligence, but how it applies itself is often haphazard. | |
Practice: | 18+1+2+2+4 = 27 |
Vega was gifted with a strong start in Practice, but it took her a long time to begin to work past that. |
Traits and Titles
Child of the Second Secret: Although she was born after the Week of Sorrows, Vega gained the benefits of the same basic bioengineering package as you from her parents. +2 Martial
Proven Miracle: The Miracle of Skylark was more than proof that Vega was right about what she could do. It validated her entire existence, in a way that’s hard to understand. From that, she gained more than skill in Practice, she gained confidence that what she thought was possible truly was. And that Miracles could be, even in the face of extinction. +1 Practice, increased chance of harmonising Miracles.
Maker of the Unison: The Unison Platforms were Vega’s before they were yours, Kagiso the first of them, and the most incredible for being some so utterly new. She became a friend, advisor, and an example of the wonders Practice could create in a way no other Miracle had matched. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Practice
Founder of the 223: Creating and leading the Two Twenty Three with Vega has been an experience unlike anything else you've been part of. It has expanded your knowledge in ways you're not quite sure you like, sometimes, but people don't always get what they like. +4 Martial, +2 Intrigue
Speaker of Practice: Vega, like you did years before, has taken her first steps into an entirely new world of possibilities. Although it remains irregular, she now shares your ability to work Practice with words rather than actions.
Ring of Harmony: The Harmonic Circle that Vega created was more than a teaching exercise, and taken together with the Restoration of Mytikas, she has come far in understanding her own gifts of Practice. +4 Practice
{{Trait |name=Unison Platform (Ace) |description=Vega's skill in working with her platform has only grown in the decade since the Second battle of Sol, and as ever, she remains at the leading edge of the group. What she can do with her Practice with Kagiso's help can often appear to be nothing short of magic, and this skill has extended far further than it ever had before. ]}
Unison Platform: The physical housing of the Unison Platform, and Kagiso's electronic home. Physical contact with this device is required to extend the Aegis and utilise the Platform's other functions.
The Harmonic Record: A semi-autonomous data archive suffused with Harmonial Practice in search of answers to what Vega and those like her can truly do. Knowledge, given form, without it the Harmonic Circle very well might never have existed. Grants bonuses to teaching Harmonials.