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The term used to referr to the special abilities gained by a portion of huamity after the week of sorrows


Main article: Potentials

Source: A Place in the World also (

"A Potential is a member of humanity who has Awakened to the ability to use Practice

""Potentials are those who can wield the power that the Dragons left to humanity, a gift known most commonly as Practice."""


An Artifact is a tool created by a Potential using Practice that can enhance or focus their ability


Main article: Secrets

"Secrets appear to be ways to bend reality to generate a desired result that would otherwise be considered scientifically impossible. Secrets are numbered and only a limited number seem to exist

""a fusion of science and belief made into something real""

""Actually understanding what the Secrets are beyond what they do [] certainly beyond humanity right now."""

Awakening / Awoken

This is a term used to describe the time of a Potential or group of Potentials first coming into their powers. These events typically happen in waves with an indeterminate amount of time between groups.

Focus / Aspect


A Focus is something that defines the essence of a Potential and is the core of what their Practice can do. It is typically a word that defines the user at a spiritual level.

Project Insight

Main article: Project Insight

Insight is an organization of Potentials who use technology to boost their Practice under the Focus Insight to gather information outside of traditional avenues


Main article: Unisonbound

This term is used to refer to Potentials who have been found compatible with and bound themselves to a Unison Platform

The Two Twenty Three / 223

This term is used to refer to the first group of Unisonbound. It is in reference to the Original Number of members of the group


Main article: Directives

The Directives are the rules that The Shiplords left behind after The Week of Sorrows designating actions that would cause them to destroy humanity (?)

Hero Unit

Main article: Hero Units

A character in the quest that the players can specifically designate their action ability to help the main Protagonist


A room within the Elder's Vault keyed to a particular Potential, typically a student of the first awakened, that contains resources or information that the Elder First thought needed to be preserved, but potentially too dangerous for the time at which it was put away

The Web

A phenomenon that connects all of humanity through Practice although little else is known about it at present


Main article: Speaking

A Potential who has mastered the ability to invoke the power of Practice through use of the spoken word

The Adamant

A ship left behind by the Elder First in the Elder's Vault (unless i've mixed it up with something else)

Inviolate Material

need to look up

The Elder First

Main article: Elder First

"Members of the First Awoken who did not have biological modifications extending their lifespans

""The Elder First were, to a one, a product of pre-Secret society. No bioengineering, which meant normal human lifespans."" "

The Institutes


I think this was the name for the places that most children were raised after the Week of Sorrows??


Source: Place in the World

Nano-Technology used to replicate the effect of Second Secret Bio-Engineering after the Secret was forbidden


When a Practice Trance comes together to produce an effect that is even greater than the intended result of the trance

Practice Trance

Source: Place in the World

A Practice Trance is the truest expression of a Potential’s power, a state in which they are able to transcend any limit in the pursuit of their Focus.


The star that Earth and Mars orbit, or by extension the whole solar system. Home of Humanity.


See "Second Battle of Sol"

Unison Platform

Main article: Unison Platform

Initially a device to connect to a Potential and expand their use of practice they have become sentient entities in their own right an exist alongside their Potential as an individual while still performing their original function and more


Main article: Dragons

The most powerful creatures humanity ever created, the Dragons were products of the Second Secret. Built to protect humanity, and the worlds they sought to colonise


An abbreviation meaning "Faster Than Light". Achieving FTL travel is necessary for interstellar travel.

First Secret

Main article: First Secret

a means to move through space-time generating faster than light (FTL) travel without excessive energy costs

Second Secret

Main article: Second Secret

genetic engineering on a truly incredible scale

Third Secret

Main article: Third Secret

A Secret known to the Telas, but not yet to Humanity. Appears to have something to do with manipulating electromagnetism.

Fifth Secret

Main article: Fifth Secret

a method to grant unparalleled manipulation and mastery over the fundamental force of gravity

Sixth Secret

Main article: Sixth Secret

" the creation of nanotechnology at a similar level to previous Practiced designs without the need for practice & the total obliteration of Moore’s law. This led to an explosion of integrated virtual assistant and prediction systems"

Elder's Vault

A cache of information and artifacts left behind by The Elder First for a few chosen potentials to open in the future.


A potential who was granted access to a reliquary by the Elder First in the Elder's Vault. Chosen Heirs to the legacy of the Elder First(?)

Lady in Fire Enfolded

A religous organization that began after the SBoS. The titular Lady is Amanda Hawke, inspired by her performance in SBoS

Week of Sorrows

Main article: Week of Sorrows

Aftermath of the First Battle of Sol (FBoS?) in which a price was extracted from humanity of most of the remaining adult human population and the Directives were laid down the by Shiplords by whom they were defeated


Main article: Shiplords

The primary Antagonists of The Practice War, little is known about them as a society

The Circles

Main article: Circles

The organization Started by Amanda Hawk as a child/teen which has grown to an organization the supports and unifies much of humanity

Humanity 2.0

A term often used by Questers to describe the current sociopolitical arrangement of humanity in the Universe Practice war and how it differs from humanity as we know it in the present

Artificial Intelligence / AI

Artificial Intelligences are technology/computer based beings that have developed sentience and are known to posses souls, just as a biological human does

Virtual Intelligence / VI

Unlike their AI "cousin's" Virtual Intelligences (VIs) are not sentient and lack souls, operating purely as they were programmed to do


The Soul is known to exist in The Practice War universe and it is from the soul the Practice comes. All sentient Species are known to have souls, although not every species/individual has the power of Practice

Olympus Colleges

Places of Research and Education located on Mars in Mytikas


A city on Mars that was destroyed during the FBoS. The buildings and information located there were revived by a practiced miracle in (*insert year here*)

Contact Fleet

Main article: Contact Fleet

A group of Alien Representatives that traveled to Earth after hearing reports of the outcome of SBoS to determine future relations with Humanity


Space Stations on which some of humanity lives

Dauntless Class

Main article: Dauntless Class

The first Practice hybrid warship ever constructed. They were designed as purely offensive platforms and are painfully short on defensive systems. They require potentials to operatate non-standard armaments

Tower Class

Main article: Tower Class

The second type of Practice hybrid warship. These ships were primarity dedicated to Defence with self-repair systems. Their most advanced defensive systems require a potential to operate them.

Ulfberht Class

Main article: Ulfberht Class

The most powerful warships humanity has ever built; they are planned to replace Dauntless class. They are more durable than Dauntless Class ships and have much stronger armaments.

The Circles

Main article: Circles


Tombstone Platform


The Pattern


Tribute Fleet

Main article: Tribute Fleet

Regular Fleet

Main article: Regular Fleet

War Fleet

Main article: War Fleet

Second Contact

Arcadia Institute


Nilean Community

Marionette Observer


Cich’swa Confederacy


Telas Luminary



System Hooks

Unison Intelligence